Monday - Friday : 09:00 - 18:00 | Contact us

Denmark Branch


A newly formed company that develops, implements, and employs state-of-the-art PSE methods and tools to solve a wide range of problems of industrial and research significance, reliably, efficiently, and very rapidly!!!

The company is founded by Prof Rafiqul Gani, retired recently from the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark.

The company has also access to an international team of experts who can be counted on for specific projects and/or problem solutions.

PSE for SPEED has a large collection of state of the art computer-aided PSE tools (models, systematic methods of solution, software, etc) that enables it to provide its clients useful advice, reliable and innovative solutions, access to its large collection to its data, models, property calculation tools, solvent selection tool, etc., for:

Energy-efficient, economically feasible, and environmentally acceptable sustainable process design-operation

Superstructure-based optimization for new and/or retrofitted-intensified processing paths (chemical processes, biorefineries, waste-water treatment, etc.)

Innovative chemical product design and chemical substitution as parenthesis (organic solvents, ionic liquids, organic substitutes, formulated products, and many more)

Development of customized software solutions (new process models; model-based analysis, etc.)

For Denmark Product and Service, Please visit links below.

PSE for SPEED Company Limited

Address : Ordrup Jagtvej 42D, DK-2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
Tel: (+45)2-851-6305

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