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Prof Rafiqul Gani
Distinguished honorary professor at ECUST (East China University of Science & Technology) in Shanghai

Rafiqul Gani

Distinguished Adjunct Professor at HKUST
(Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) in Guangzhou, and a Distinguished Research Professor at Széchenyi István University at Győr (Hungary).

Mobile: +45 28516305
PSE for SPEED, Bangkok, Thailand

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Dr. Rafiqul Gani retired at the end of 2017 as professor of systems design at the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark. He is the former head and co-founder of the Computer Aided Process Engineering Center (CAPEC). He has published close to 550 peer-reviewed articles in journals and proceedings plus book chapters and delivered over 350 lectures, seminars and plenary/keynote lectures at international conferences, institutions and companies all over the world.

Professor Gani is the former editor-in-chief of the Computers and Chemical Engineering journal (2009-2015), editor for the Elsevier CACE book series, editor for the Sustainable Production and Consumption journal, and serves in the editorial advisory boards of Computers and Chemical Engineering, and Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering.

Professor Gani has been awarded five Doctor Honoris Causa degrees from University Politehnica Bucharest (Romania), University of Pannonia (Hungary), Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), University of Maribor (Slovenia), and Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (Mexico). Professor Gani is the ex-president of the EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering), serving two terms 2014-2016 and 2016-2018; a member of the Danish Academy of Science; Fellow of two chemical engineering related associations (AIChE and IChemE), and also Fellow of two Artificial Intelligence related associations (AIAA and AIIA). He received the AIChE Computers in Chemical Engineering award in 2015, the EFCE Jacques Villermaux Medal in 2019, the AIChE Sustainability Engineering Forum award in 2020, the IChemE Sargent Medal in 2021 and the Thomas and Donna Edgar CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education given by American Society of Engineering Education in 2022. In 2018, Prof Gani co-founded the PSE for SPEED Company, that develops, implements and employs state of the art PSE methods and tools to solve a wide range of problems of industrial and research significance, reliably, efficiently and very rapidly. Prof. Gani’s research interests include the development and application of intelligent computer aided methods and tools for modelling; property estimation; process-product synthesis, design & intensification; and process-tools integration with emphasis on energy, sustainability and application of AI augmented systems approach.